Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Human Brain Need Vacation

Human Brain Need Vacation

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com - Doing the same routine every day will lead to saturation and the brain can not work optimally. There are 4 reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.

A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.

Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando.com:

1. Improve Memory
Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against Alzheimer's disease.

2. Enhance creativity
American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitate the mind's creativity.

3. Sharpens concentration
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.

4. Provide rest time
The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health.

7 komentar:

  1. Riawan 14.0426
    I think this health article may help people who are depressed and too busy with work in order to know the importance of the holiday to be imprisoned brain.

  2. Hidayatus S 14.0413
    Turns out holiday is also one way to prevent Alzheimer's.

  3. Desy Agasita 14.0400
    I highly approve of it because it is in fact this happens.
    Especially from the age of globalization where everyone tends to work pursuing material but forget about health. As our students work part-time, tend to force the college values ​​and strength for the sake of making money.
    For example, morning lectures, afternoon work, home work at night after the overtime doing the coursework until after midnight. So almost no time for refreshing. Very need for a minimum of 1 week holiday.

  4. Nita Nuryanti 14.0391
    Most people do not realize saturation in their brains, so indirectly their performance decreases.

  5. Ayu Chandra D.S 14.0412
    Holiday return is necessary to refresh the human brain every day busy work. If there is not enough time to spare for a vacation, so we had to rest.

  6. Danang Prastowo 1.0405
    I disagree with this article. Because not only holiday that can improve concentration. There are still many ways in addition to vacation. example of that is by maintaining a sufficient sleep or rest.

  7. I agree that holiday is important to people to refresh their brain. And please make another article that can help me or other people to care their healthy.
